Dr. William Snyder and Emma Nguyen’s research on children’s understanding of passive sentences and their use of the Truth Value Judgement methodology were featured by the UConn College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Special thanks to Laura Snider and Dr. Marie Coppola for their help in making the video.
Emma Nguyen | Talk at UUSLAW Fall 2015
Emma Nguyen gave a presentation at the 2015 UConn-UMass-Smith Language Acquisition Workshop that took place at Smith College on November 17, 2015. Her talk was titled “Some Thoughts on English-Speaking Children’s Comprehension of Long Passives”.
Dr. William Snyder | Talk at MIT
Dr. William Snyder gave a talk at the Experimental Syntax & Semantics/Language Acquisition Lab meeting at MIT, October 14, 2015. His talk was titled “Relativized Minimality in Children’s Passives”.
Emma Nguyen | LSA Summer Institute in Chicago
Emma Nguyen will be spending this month at the University of Chicago. She will be attending the 2015 LSA Summer Institute, taking several courses such as Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics (among others). Have fun, Emma!