Dr. William Snyder gave a talk at the Experimental Syntax & Semantics/Language Acquisition Lab meeting at MIT, October 14, 2015. His talk was titled “Relativized Minimality in Children’s Passives”.
Emma Nguyen | Talk at GALA 2015
Emma Nguyen (in collaborations with Diane Lillo-Martin and William Snyder) will give a talk at the 12th Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition conference (GALA 2015) at the University of Nantes, France, September 10-12, 2015. Her talk will be titled “Actionality speaks louder than Felicity—Children’s comprehension of long passives.”
Ting Xu | Talk at CLS 51
Ting Xu gave a talk at the 51st Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society (CLS 51), April 23-25 , 2015. Her talk was titled “On the ambiguity of almost: An intervention effect”.
Emma Nguyen | Talk at UUSLAW Spring 2015
Emma Nguyen gave a presentation at the 2015 UConn-UMass-Smith Language Acquisition Workshop that took place at UConn on April 18, 2015. Her talk was titled “Actionality Speaks Louder than Felicity: Children’s Comprehension of Long Passives”.